Welcoming Our Neurodiverse Neighbors

On Sundays, from 11:30-12:30, after coffee hour, we will have an in-person speaker series, “Welcoming Our Neurodiverse Neighbors”. The speakers will discuss challenges faced by children who have neurological issues, such as autism. Many of us know children, either in our families or through friends, who have these issues and the difficulties that come with them, for them and their parents.

March 9: Alexis Rucker, principal of the Springstone School will speak about autism

March 16: Daniel Hogue, Las Trampas Executive Director, will speak on Developmental Disabilities

March 23: Stephen Caporusso, Orinda Union School District, on ADHD

March 30: Alex Georgakopoulous or Shamita Dhar, Coyote Coast, on Youth Behavioral Health Challenges

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