
Rev. Will has been with St. Anselm's since January of 2024. He served as Associate Pastor at Grace Cathedral, Vicar at St. Cyprian's, Program Director at California Interfaith Power & Light, in development and alumni/ae relations at Pacific School of Religion, and most recently as Associate Rector at Christ Church, Alameda.

Naomi was born and raised in Oakland, California. In 2006, she retired from Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Walnut Creek and enrolled in the School for Deacons. She was ordained by Bishop Marc Andrus in December 2009, and began her ministry at John Muir Medical Center as a volunteer chaplain. She also became the spiritual advisor to the residents at Crestwood Healing Center in Pleasant Hill and began her ministry as deacon at St. Anselm’s. Naomi considers it a gift to be part of the loving and caring community at St. Anselm’s.

Margret began as Office Manager for St. Anselm's in late 2023. She has lived in the local Burton Valley area since 2010, and she volunteered in the classroom, library and offices of the local public schools in Lafayette where her children attended. She is a native San Franciscan who grew up attending Christ United Presbyterian Church, where she taught Sunday School and served as an Elder. A graduate of Cal Berkeley, she has over 30 years of experience managing operations of small businesses, educational programs, and volunteer groups.

Chris Kula began serving as St. Anselm's Director of Music in January 2025. He previously served as music director and organist at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Oakland, from 2017 to 2021 and founded a monthly Evensong service in 2008. During his tenure, he led performances, planned music, coordinated musicians, and enhanced musical services, including Christmas Eve and All Souls’ Day events. He has been the Assistant Organist at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church since 2008.

The priest in charge of a parish is called a rector. Along with the rector, the business of the congregation is conducted by the vestry, which functions similar to the Board of Directors of a corporation. Two officers are chosen by the vestry annually, called wardens (usually called senior and junior). The vestry is responsible for managing the church’s finances and property, and also takes on responsibilities related to church programs, direction, and outreach.
New members of the vestry are elected at the annual meeting, and serve a three-year term. At each annual meeting, one-third of the vestry rotates off.
Those currently serving on the St. Anselm’s vestry include:
Class of 2026
Bob Eddy
Peg Matson (Senior Warden)
Joni Pearce (Clerk)
David Rowe
Class of 2027
Iris Hillman
Katie Taggart (Junior Warden)
Class of 2028
Julia Starr
Sheila Riedy
Maggie McCloskey
Pamela Simonds Green
Treasurer (not a vestry members): Marian Mulkey