The word “liturgy,” which we also use to refer to our worship service, means “work of the people,” and our services quite literally require the work of many people each week. Serving in a worship service can bring new meaning and perspective to our personal worship experience, and there are a variety of ways to take part.
Acolytes – (the word means “one who serves”) serve as torch bearers and crucifer during worship services. For those in Grade 4 through 12, being an acolyte is a great way to discover and be a part of the worship service. Contact: Rev. Will
Altar Guild – prepares and cares for the altar and its linens, vestments, and vessels for all worship services. Contact: Sylvia Williams
Choir – “makes a joyful noise” and supports the congregation in its singing. Currently, the all-volunteer choir is singing every week, and gathers prior to the service for a brief rehearsal. Anyone who loves to sing is welcome! Contact: Marty Fischer
Eucharistic Ministers – assist in reading the Affirmation of Faith and Prayers of the People, and serving the blessed wine during Communion. Eucharistic Ministers receive training and license from the Diocese of California. To learn more, contact: Judy Peak.
Lectors – (also known as readers) read the Scripture lessons during the worship service. This is a wonderful way to lend your voice to the service, and to deepen your relationship with scripture. Those interested in becoming a lector should contact: Judy Peak.
Ushers – assist parishioners by seating them for worship, distributing bulletins, collecting the offering and directing the congregation in coming forward to receive Communion. Contact: Greg Heiman