St. Anselm's is delighted to announce that on November 11th, 2023, we will be holding our Harvest Festival in support of Trinity Center in person again this year, after 4 years of remote efforts. St. Anselm's started supporting the important humanitarian outreach of Trinity Center in 2013 and we remain steadfast in our support of the ever-growing needs at Trinity Center. Trinity Center has become a model program for a community supported answer to homelessness and poverty. It combines local answers to the real plague of our times. For those of us who live in this community, it provides cleaner and safer streets. For those caught up in poverty and hopelessness, Trinity Center creates the services of a home and importantly builds a "doorway to opportunity".
St. Anselm's looks forward to hosting a dinner and auction in Jackson Hall. Tickets will be $50 and will be available soon!