What we Believe

God loves you, and so do we!  We believe that every human person is a loved and beloved child of God and should be loved and treated with dignity and respect.  We strive to love one another, just as God loves us.

Baptism binds us to God and one another.  The promises we made at our baptism, and that we reaffirm from time to time during the year, define our journey of faith:

  • We pray and worship – on our own, and as a community.
  • We seek to do what is right, and we ask for forgiveness when we fall short.
  • We spread the Good News of God in Christ through words and our actions.
  • We serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
  • We pursue justice and peace, respecting the dignity of each person and the Earth.

God’s table is open.  All people, whether strong in faith or struggling with doubt, are invited to receive communion at God’s table. 

We don’t check our brains at the door.  We take Scripture seriously, but not literally.  We look to Scripture, the theological tradition of the Church, and human reason to understand what God may be speaking to us in our context.

We respect and expect diversity.  We believe that every human person is created in God’s image, and everyone may participate in the full life of the church.  We are an open and affirming church where all people, including our LGBTQ+ siblings, find belonging.  While God made us to be diverse in so many ways, we find our unity and commonality through our shared worship.

We Welcome All!

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