Welcome Sunday

Welcome Sunday Sept 8 2024

Join us for worship at 10 a.m. as we welcome people who have found a home at St. Anselm’s this past year


Come for coffee hour at 11:15 a.m. and learn about all the activities and ministries of St. Anselm’s and the ways you can become involved!


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10am starting October 1st

After much discussion, and at the urging of many of our congregation, Stephen+ proposed and the Vestry approved moving St. Anselm’s Sunday morning worship...Read more

City Zoning and St. Anselm's

Letter from our Rector

Dear neighbors: I am the new rector at St. Anselm's Episcopal Church, in the Burton Valley area. Despite efforts by the City of Lafayette...Read more

Vital and Thriving

Church Growth Program

The Episcopal Diocese of California, in partnership with the Center for Church Innovation, is supporting Vital+Thriving, a congregational development initiative to facilitate and support...Read more

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