The Episcopal Diocese of California, in partnership with the Center for Church Innovation, is supporting Vital+Thriving, a congregational development initiative to facilitate and support congregations to self-assess, brainstorm, experiment, and move forward into the future with faith, optimism, confidence, and renewed energy. Vital+Thriving (V+T) offers substantive, long-term consulting and support and a shared learning community. In the course of participating in the 3-year initiative, congregations reassess and discern their mission and consider potential outreach opportunities in their community settings. More information is available at https://www.vitalthriving.org/. With encouragement from Stephen+ and after exploration by the Vestry, St. Anselm’s plans to join the next cohort of V+T congregations. The process promises to offer rich learning and growth opportunities for the individuals involved and for the St. Anselm’s community as a whole. We encourage anyone who may be interested in joining this work, or who is simply curious, to participate in one of two upcoming Zoom information sessions describing V+T goals and process: Wednesday, August 9, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. or Tuesday, August 29, 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Click on your preferred date to register. If you have questions or wish to express interest, contact Marian Mulkey at or Peg Matson.