Sunday Evening 5pm Service

To serve those families and individuals that find it difficult to attend Sunday morning church services, St. Anselm’s will now offer a weekly Sunday evening service at 5 p.m., starting Sunday, October 1, 2023.  Everyone is welcome!

An evening service will provide another option for when people gather for worship. The service will be shorter – around 40 minutes – and will follow the Book of Common Prayer’s Rite II Holy Eucharist liturgy. 

This new service time is offered in the hopes that some congregation members, mostly those who previously attended St. Anselm’s 8 a.m. service offered before COVID, would welcome the return of a spoken, faster service that includes Eucharist.  We also are mindful that some families, college students, and others have varied schedules that pull them in a variety of directions, including on Sunday mornings.  We hope an evening service accommodates many of these expressed needs and desires.  Worship needs to be offered at alternative times, and in alternative formats, to meet the needs of people with busy lives and multiple competing commitments. 

Please come to this 5pm service whenever it suits you! It will be offered every Sunday. 

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