Rides from Rossmoor

St. Anselm's member David Rowe drives from Rossmoor each Sunday for the 10 a.m. service and has a few additional spaces in his car. If you or someone you know might like a ride please contact David.

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Landscape Project

Help Appreciated!

Pamela Green, a professional landscape designer and longtime member of St. Anselm's, has completed a design plan for the front portion of the parish's...Read more

Congregational Meeting

April 14th

There will be a congregation wide meeting immediately after service on April 14 in the sanctuary immediately. We anticipate a short meeting, likely less...Read more

Easter Egg Hunt

Celebrate with us!

We celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with a lively service on Sunday, March 31st at 10am followed by an Easter Egg Hunt and...Read more

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