
St. Anselm's is saddened to report that Reverend Stephen Siptroth has tendered his resignation and he is no longer the Rector of St. Anselm's. His reasons are outlined in a letter he sent to the congregation. If you would like a copy of that letter, please use the contact form on the website. We received a visit from Right Reverend Marc, Bishop of the Diocese of California, on November 12, 2023, to discuss healing and moving forward. We ask for prayers at this time of transition. 

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Message for Lent

Reverend Will Scott

Lent--the word itself in Old English and Dutch as well--means spring season and while that doesn’t officially start until March 19 th , the...Read more

Ash Wednesday services

Noon and 7pm

St. Anselm's is pleased to usher in the season of Lent with a traditional Ash Wednesday service at noon and 7pm, presided by Reverend...Read more

Listening Session

Congregation Assembly - Please Attend

The Vestry of St. Anselm's invites all congregants to please stay after church on Sunday, February 4th. Reverend Will Scott has offered to help...Read more

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