Lamorinda Public Safety Day

Lamorinda Public Safety Day At St. Anselms 682 Michael Lanej Lafayette October 28j 2023 9 Am To Noon

Come on Saturday, October 28th, 9am to noon to our parking lot! Meet local emergency responders, get a peek at their emergency vehicles, and gather up helpful material to keep you, your family, and your community safe. 

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Here's to 2023 Harvest Festival

As we approach Epiphany, we think about gifts that have been given. In 2023, St. Anselm's gave generously to the Trinity Center of Walnut...Read more

Welcome Margaret

Parish Secretary

We are delighted to welcome a wonderful neighbor as the new parish office administrator. Read her full bio here , and please come by...Read more

Christmas Poinsettias

Decorate the Church

If you would like to donate a poinsettia to be placed in the Sanctuary this Christmas season, please contact the office or complete the...Read more

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