Lamorinda Public Safety Day

Lamorinda Public Safety Day At St. Anselms 682 Michael Lanej Lafayette October 28j 2023 9 Am To Noon

Come on Saturday, October 28th, 9am to noon to our parking lot! Meet local emergency responders, get a peek at their emergency vehicles, and gather up helpful material to keep you, your family, and your community safe. 

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Listening Session

Congregation Assembly - Please Attend

The Vestry of St. Anselm's invites all congregants to please stay after church on Sunday, February 4th. Reverend Will Scott has offered to help...Read more

One Day Only - January 23rd

Presiding Bishop Curry's Film "A Case for Love"

Hundreds of theaters around the US will have a one-time showing of this documentary inspired by Bishop Curry’s “teachings and writings on the power...Read more

Reverend Will Scott


We are pleased that Reverend Will Scott will be with St. Anselm's through the month of January (and beyond, pending mutual agreement).

...Read more

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