Lamorinda Public Safety Day

Lamorinda Public Safety Day At St. Anselms 682 Michael Lanej Lafayette October 28j 2023 9 Am To Noon

Come on Saturday, October 28th, 9am to noon to our parking lot! Meet local emergency responders, get a peek at their emergency vehicles, and gather up helpful material to keep you, your family, and your community safe. 

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Author Event at St. Anselm's

Workshop with Mark Yaconelli

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Landscape Project

Help Appreciated!

Pamela Green, a professional landscape designer and longtime member of St. Anselm's, has completed a design plan for the front portion of the parish's...Read more

Congregational Meeting

April 14th

There will be a congregation wide meeting immediately after service on April 14 in the sanctuary immediately. We anticipate a short meeting, likely less...Read more

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