On Sunday, October 1st, at 10 a.m., we will observe The Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, or St. Michael’s Day, by holding St. Anselm’s first annual “Blue Mass” – a worship service to honor area law enforcement, fire, emergency, and search and rescue personnel, and other first responders. As the Christian church evolved, St. Michael’s Day became a day for giving thanks to law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other community first responders. These are dedicated professionals who often put their lives on the line to protect our communities. Our church calendar gives us an opportunity to say ‘thank you’ within the context of our worship, and that is the least that we can do.
According to Stephen+, the Rector of St. Anselm’s, the historic basis for the feast day celebration is in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, Michael the Archangel was one of the angelic warriors who did battle with Satan and his evil angels. The application of that story over time comes, in part, from English tradition. The celebration is called Michaelmas and one of its purposes was to mark the end of the agricultural productive season and the beginning of the cold season. It was a time of the Harvest Festival when successful farmers shared their bounty with the less fortunate. Thus, Michael’s heroic battle against evil became associated with the danger of colder, longer winter nights and the need for heightened protection. Eventually, Saint Michael became the patron saint of first responders, and, in the 1930s, churches began celebrating a “Blue Mass” in their honor.
We are inviting all first responders and their families to join us as we celebrate and honor their service at our first annual Blue Mass. We’d love for them to stay for coffee after, so that we can get to know them personally. We at St. Anselm’s want them to know that we are here for them, too. All are welcome to join us to remember and celebrate those who labor to protect our community.